Southern Hospitality premiered on Bravo on November 28, 2022, with 11 cast members. A spin-off of Southern Charm, the show revolves around Leva Bonaparte and the staff of her nightclub, Republic Garden & Lounge.

One of the staff members is Mia Alario, who works as a hostess at the Republic. However, it is not the only profession she can speak of. Mia works two jobs — during the day, she is a financial analyst at Biotech, and at night, she is an employee at Charleston’s most happening nightclub.

On Southern Hospitality, Mia revealed that she was not working two jobs for money. Despite having the highest-paying job in Biotech, she works at the Republic to remain connected to people socially. Since Mia’s day job confines her to her room, she joined the nightclub for the social scene.

Mia Alario graduated with two degrees in economics

Born and brought up in Trinidad and Tobago, Mia Alario moved to Charleston when she got into college. Since then, she became the Southern Belle who got two jobs after earning two degrees in economics from the College of Charleston. As per Mia’s bio on Bravo, she doesn’t work for necessity, but for pleasure.

Her bio reads:

“Born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago, Mia Alario/Hostess moved to Charleston for college and graduated with two degrees in economics. She spends her days working at a buttoned-up financial institution and nights hosting at Republic. Outspoken, socially outgoing and always ready for a night out, Mia is dedicated to the job, although she admits she works for pleasure, not necessity.”

It further states:

“She has no issue speaking her mind and enjoys catching people off guard with her honesty, often rubbing the group the wrong way. Mia’s grit and commitment are always on trial with her co-workers, and she constantly has to prove she deserves her coveted spot.”

After graduating in 2019, Mia started to work at the Coastal Management Group as a financial reporter. Her LinkedIn states that she joined Biotech in July 2020 as a financial analyst.

When it comes to her personal life, Mia shared that her parents are divorced. In the latest episode of Leva Bonaparte's Southern Hospitality, Mia also mentioned that she shared an equally close bond with her mom Arlene and father Fillipo. The latter also featured in the episode as the father-daughter duo talked about Mia’s dating life.

Mia mentioned to her dad that she was dating a chef named Owen and was excited to see how far their relationship would go.

When will Southern Hospitality air on Bravo?

Southern Hospitality season 1 airs new episodes every Monday at 9 PM ET on Bravo. In addition to Mia, the cast also features Leva Bonaparte, Maddi Reese, Grace Lilly, Mikel Simmons, Joe Bradley, TJ Dinch, Will Kulp, Bradley Carter, Emmy Sharrett, and Lucía Peña.

The synopsis of episode 4 of the reality TV show, which is scheduled to air next, reveals:

“When Grace Lilly's birthday party takes a turn, Mikel questions if he can continue to work at Republic; Grace's enthusiasm gets her back into Leva's good graces, but Will's wild night rubs his co-workers the wrong way.”

Southern Hospitality season 1 will air episode 4 on Monday, December 19, 2022, at 9 PM ET on Bravo. It will be filled with drama as the upcoming episode will showcase the aftermath of Grace Lilly’s birthday party, where Mikel got into a huge fight with TJ Dinch.

Viewers can view the previous episode on the network’s site.

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