Raids in Destiny 2 are one of the hardest challenges that the game offers both visually and mechanically.
Ever since the release of previous campaign-based expansions in Destiny 2 like Forsaken, The Witch Queen expansion has lived up to the name of the best-released expansion ever.
With the latest expansion, Bungie made sure to not only foreshadow the upcoming expansion next year but also tie up the previous story that took place in Savathun’s throne world.
One of the biggest names that comes up throughout the story of The Witch Queen is The Witness, which is a mysterious being who possesses the strength to move worlds.
According to the story, The Witness has many disciples throughout the world who appear as the final boss in Vow of the Disciple Raid. However, to thoroughly complete the raid with zero errors, one must study and fix callouts for the various symbols found around the players throughout the raid.
The importance of Vow of the Disciple Raid symbols in Destiny 2
Since the early days of Destiny 2, players have always struggled to find competent enough teammates when running raids through fireteams or LFG groups. Hence, it is feasible to learn all the information required for a special raid prior to starting to gain the most, even with random teammates.
And as for the Vow of the Disciple Raid in Destiny 2, there are a total of 27 symbols that can be found throughout the raid encounter.
In this raid, the first encounter of symbols comes when the players enter a special pyramid-shaped ship called the Acquisition. From here on, the Destiny 2 players must study the symbols to go any further as they must bring three specific symbols to offer to the obelisk.
All the symbols to be found in the raid
All the symbols can be found by the players scattered throughout the map right before the obelisk encounter or through a specific weekly mission known as Preservation.
It is advised to go through Preservation beforehand as not only does it give a miniature version of Vow of the Disciple Raid to the players, but a player can do it solo. This allows players to better understand all the symbols found and learn their callouts for benefit.
All the symbols with their callouts are:
- Light
- Darkness
- Earth
- Tower
- Guardian
- Worship
- Drink
- Grief
- Black Garden
- Black Heart
- Ascendant Plane
- Hive
- Savathun
- Love
- Kill
- Traveler
- Neutral
- Pyramid
- Commune
- Witness
- Stop
- Enter
- Knowledge
- Give
- Worm
- Fleet
- Scorn
Depending on which symbol shows among Light and Darkness during the Acquisition encounter, players need to find out which of the Glyphkeepers they must defeat.
After that, players will be guided to three different areas of the map where they must find three specific symbols that they need to offer to the obelisk to further progress through the raid.
Players must first figure out which room the Disciples’ Compass will spawn for the obelisk encounter. It will either be Traveler or Pyramid. This determines the first symbol to offer. The second one denotes the room they enter to defeat the Glyphkeepers, which are Black Garden, black Heart, etc.
The third one is usually either Light or Darkness that tells players which of the two Glyphkeepers they need to defeat. Similarly, players must follow all the callouts of these symbols found throughout the raid to keep progressing towards the final boss fight.
As mentioned before, knowing the callouts of the symbols is one of the key factors in completing this meticulous raid that marks it as one of the toughest raids to exist in Destiny 2.
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