An FBI informant is not an FBI agent.
An FBI informant is in legal trouble. Whether the charges are real or made-up, the informant is someone who faces imprisonment or some other loss/penalty unless they give information to the FBI.
The Black Panthers, by the end of the line, were 100% FBI informants because they were all threatened with lifelong imprisonment on charges real (involving commission of crime with a gun, eg) or fabricated (FBI led them into a trap that incriminated them).
But you know Roy Cohn & Felix Sater, Trump’s old Trump Soho partner, were FBI informants, right? Cohn gave info on mobsters, Sater gave info on pump and dump scheme he was part of.
I’m convinced Trump got out of his federal housing discrimination lawsuit by giving FBI information on the Mafia in construction industry. Think about the lawsuit the feds brough against him - they had him dead to rights. They had the evidence right there. Workers showed FBI the paperwork with big “C” for colored. They were willing to testify they were instructed to write a C on paperwork.
Yet Trump Org walked away from that lawsuit not admitting guilt. They “settled” with Trump. They had no reason to make a “settlement” with trump - housing discrimination was a criminal offense at state and federal level. Trump Org should never have gotten another federal or state tax break, should never have been given another govt loan or grant for their real estate empire (which at that point was mostly middle class housing which received tax breaks and low cost loans).
Btw, media has parroted the lie that Trump felt left out because he was from an outer borough and not a Manhattanite. The “brash young developer” went ahead and bought properties in Manhattan, but refused to give up his outer borough toughness, or his plain speaking manner. He remained true to himself while showing up all the rich Manhattan developers.
Truth is — Trump went into luxury housing because black and Spanish people couldn’t afford it. He would never be slapped with another lawsuit about housing discrimination when the people he discriminated against simply couldn’t afford his properties.
If Theil was FBI informant it was to get himself out of trouble and he could’ve paid back FBI by informing on someone Iike Sam Bankman-Freid.n
Thiel is a dedicated fascist…and so are oodles of people in the FBI, like Charles McGonigal. And in the Secret Service. Don’t expect a bombshell from Thiel.