
I guess I missed these photos yesterday! My bad. These are pics from Sunday’s premiere of Macbeth in Edinburgh – a Scottish premiere for the Scottish Play. Lovely. Unfortunately for everyone involved, Michael Fassbender got a haircut before the premiere and it’s the worst. He’s just one of those guys who needs a bit of shag with his hair and without it, he just looks old and tired.

It’s nice that they brought the premiere to Scotland though – early interviews from the cast and crew seem to indicate that this was a really difficult shoot. Apparently, Marion Cotillard fell into a bog and it took two crew members to pull her out. Michael chatted about that, Macbeth’s PTSD, and playing Bobby Sands in Hunger in this interview (below). About Bobby Sands, Fassy said: “Well I think you know anybody who has the commitment and courage to follow something like that through to hunger strike, you think that person is extraordinary… He was a leader – that’s very clear – and just again, somebody who takes leadership to almost a mythological level. I have a lot of respect for him. I think having sort of having had a minor insight into what it must have been like, I very much have respect for him.”

As for Steve Jobs, Fassy has also been doing interviews to support that film as well. When Fassy sat down with Kate Winslet and E! News, they ended up talking about her upcoming 40th birthday and how what she wants most in the world is a pressure cooker because “I want to start making bone broths!” When Fassy asked what that entails, Kate said: “Taking a whole bunch of bones and putting them in a pressure cooker with lots of chopped up leeks and onions and celery and all that stuff and you make this amazing restorative bone broth. You boil it up for like 12 hours and it cures you of all ailments.” Fassy was intrigued, so he made Kate a promise: “I love this. I will get you the pressure cooker if you will cook me one of those bones broths.”



Photos courtesy of WENN.
