Jordyn Woods blew her fans’ minds with some of the latest photos that she shared on her social media account. After a bunch of pics in which she’s flaunting a flawless beach body, she shared some fancier photos with a full makeup face and the young lady is looking drop dead gorgeous.
‘IS IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO GET ANY MORE STUNNING?? Jordyn pls release your foot off of our necks,’ someone commented.
Another follower said that ‘you actually look similar to what you looked like as a teen😍 Kylie over here catfishing the world.’
Someone posted that ‘She is naturally Everything Kylie Paid for.’
A fan also priased Jordyn’s beauty and said: ‘Jordyn. Do you realize how beautiful you are? You also seem so down to earth. Don’t ever change 😘’
Someone noted something that has been said before: ‘How you stop being friends with Kylie and all of a sudden get way prettier 😍😍’
A commenter agreed and wrote, ‘Is it me or you have been up on us since the breakup? Either way ❤️🔥’ The person is referring at the ‘breakup’ from Kylie.
More of Jordyn’s fans have been saying for quite a while now, that since she was kicked out of the Kardashian clan and packed her bags from Kylie Jenner’s house, she has been flourishing and becoming more beautiful with each passing day.
Fans have been telling Jordyn that this is probably because her relationship with Kylie was a toxic one in which she was only supposed to stay in Ky’s shadow, not to overshine her.
What do you think about Jordyn’s latest look?