The best layouts in Genshin Impact are mostly subjective, although learning how to switch between them is something that players can learn.
These are the four layouts in Genshin Impact:
When the player first gets their Serenitea Pot, they're allowed to choose between any of the first three options. However, they can't immediately change their realm style to another one. Instead, they need to at least hit Trust Rank 8 or reach level 40 in Sacred Sakura's Favor.
Looking at Genshin Impact's Teapot Realm layouts
As of Genshin Impact 2.3, there are four possible Teapot Realm layouts. Once a player chooses their first layout, they won't be able to select the remaining two default ones until they hit at least Trust Rank 8. The only exception is with Silken Courtyard, as that's tied to the Sacred Sakura Favor system.
The YouTube video above showcases the first three layouts. There will be a second YouTube video detailing the Silken Courtyard for those curious for an in-depth look.
Floating Abode
All of the exterior areas in the Floating Abode are islands in the sky. There isn't too much to look at regarding its landmasses, but the view across the skies is beautiful. It also doesn't have a day and night cycle that the other layouts have.
Both Floating Abode and Emerald Peak use a Liyue Estate, the second-most spacious interior. Here is a quick synopsis of the areas and when players can unlock them (with the numbers designating the relevant Trust Rank):
- Windchill Isle: 1
- Cloudrest Isle: 5
- Smoke-Sailing Isle: 7
- Evermist Isle: 9
Floating Abide only has a meager two songs that players can hear, which is the lowest out of any Teapot Realm layout.
Emerald Peak
Given the Emerald Peak's design, it shouldn't surprise players that some areas can be covered in vast shadows depending on the time of day. It's high up in the sky as the last location, but players should know that it feels different to explore.
Here is a quick synopsis of the areas and when players can unlock them (with the numbers designating the relevant Trust Rank):
- Spring Peak: 1
- Summerchase Peak: 5
- Autumnhold Peak: 7
- Wintersweep Peak: 9
Four songs play at Emerald Peak, making it second-to-last in terms of musical diversity.
Cool Isle
Cool Isle has several features that might appeal to players. First, it is the only layout to have the Mondstadt Mansion. This mansion has the largest interior, especially when it comes to the second floor. If players want a spacious home, then Cool Isle wins by default.
However, what really makes this place unique is the beach theme. Its coastal vibes feel great, but the downside is that the player can't build on the beach until Trust Rank 5. Here is a quick synopsis of the areas and when players can unlock them (with the numbers designating the relevant Trust Rank):
- Pearl Isle: 1
- Conch-Court Isle: 5
- Mirage Isle: 7
- Letter Isle: 9
This location also has six songs, which is only behind Silken Courtyard's eight.
Silken Courtyard
The Silken Courtyard might be the hardest layout to unlock for some Genshin Impact players, but it's many Traveler's favorite one. Here is a quick synopsis of the areas and when players can unlock them (with the numbers designating the relevant Trust Rank):
- Kasumi Shoal: 1
- Madoromi Island: 5
- Sakurazaki Island: 7
- Nodoka Terrace: 9
The Silken Courtyard has eight songs (one of which is unreleased), which is the most out of any location. If players love Inazuma's music, then Silken Courtyard will likely be their favorite layout in Genshin Impact.
Its appearance is the most varied out of all of the possible layouts in Genshin Impact. Not only that, but it also has water surrounding the area, so the Cool Isle's coastal vibes aren't as relevant when comparing it to the Silken Courtyard.
The main downside of this layout is that its interior is the smallest. The house Inazuma has the smallest second floor of all possible homes.
How to switch layouts
All four layouts offer something unique in Genshin Impact. No layout can be considered underwheming, however, players can switch their Realm Style according to their preferences.
To do so, talk to Tubby and select "Switch Realm Style." If the player is below Trust Rank 8, they won't be able to switch to another realm style. Even if the player hits Trust Rank 8, they can't use the Silken Courtyard layout until they hit level 40 in Sacred Sakura's Favor.
It's worth noting that Trust Rank 8 allows a player to select another layout (so the player would have two of the default realm styles). To unlock the last layout, Genshin Impact players must hit Trust Rank 10.
Travelers must build new furnishings to boost their Trust Rank (emphasis on it being new). Using a Vial of Adeptal Speed can speed up any furnishing process.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.
Poll : Have you unlocked the Silken Courtyard layout?
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